Kibbitzer 54

Challenges and Opportunities

The following revision is taken from the dissertation of a Bahasa Indonesia-speaking student of Political Science

This essay covers attempts of NGOs to perform their challenges and opportunities in many activities involving conflict-resolution or humanitarian assistance This essay covers attempts of NGOs to face their challenges and opportunities in many activities involving conflict-resolution or humanitarian assistance
This essay covers attempts of NGOs to meet their challenges and exploit their opportunities in many activites involving conflict-resolution or humanitarian assistance

The phrase challenges and opportunities is a popular one in setting the titles of essays and projects in the Social Sciences, 'challenges' emphasising the aspects of a situation that present problems that must be solved, and 'opportunities' emphasising the possible benefits of that situation. When they are used together there is, however, the problem of which verb can collkocate with both of them. Whatever that verb may be, it clearly cannot be perform. In my data perform is found with a variety of collocates, such as abortion, duty, function, role, service, and task, as illustrated by the following citations:

 1. times by the secret police. Anyone caught performing abortions faced up to 15 years in jail. But, d
 2.  the Prison Service are to be expected to perform their duties diligently and efficiently. Treasury
 3.  "strategies" seem to negate the function performed by Potter's GP: He has so gently and carefully 
 4. erstand - that the two parliaments do not perform the same role. Other nations seem to have a clear
 5. ing's high cynicism. But his tutor was to perform another signal service for Portillo within anothe
 6. cade, is Sir Tim Bell. The PR man who has performed the same task with equal success for Wafic Said
However, there are no examples of performing a challenge or of performing an opportunity in my data, nor do such collocations appear likely. For challenge two common collocating verbs are face and meet:
 7. to effect in schools in September 1995, face a strong challenge from English teachers outraged at c
 8. now it seems that they will soon face an even tougher challenge. The new generation of genetically-
 9. e greater political sophistication. They face another challenge to their authority - communications
10.  MP for Caithness and Sutherland, is likely to face a challenge in his plan to succeed Charles Kenn
11. ther and what certificate to give a video - or face a challenge in the courts. Ministers argue that
12. nging phrases for their manifestos (`we must face the challenge of the future' - that always seems 

13. chotherapy meant that it too had to grow, to meet the challenge of different constituencies asking 
14. ica and Asia to the brink of extinction. To meet this challenge, it advocates a massive expansion i
15. ut badly in need of some renewed momentum to meet the challenges of enlargement and unemployment. C
16. guar were all staking claims. US attempts to meet the challenge were half-hearted. Detroit's approa
17. that now is the time to move on, to meet a new, tough challenge as a professional."  He said that i
18. iating with the Government and meeting the commercial challenge posed by new vocational qualificati
Examination of the data shows also a couple of citations also for face an opportunity (see below), so that was the verb chosen for the first revision above.
19. emen, Australia's business leaders face many exciting opportunities in the region. The next few yea
20.       At this moment, the Labour Party faces the best opportunity it has had since 1979. The opport
However, it may in such cases be better to choose separate verbs for each element of the combination. The second revision shows that strategy, with meet being used with challenges, and exploit being used with opportunities, as in the following citations:
21. dvance of this, the Republicans want to exploit every opportunity to raise Whitewater in the normal
22. up a $1 billion (£640 million) Indian fund to exploit opportunities within the country's expanding 
23. 4), in which the private sector starts to exploit the opportunities opened up by the first phase of
24. ls - many other businesses are seeking to exploit the opportunities being presented by the World Cu
25. romise from the Cabinet Office in June to exploit the opportunities provided by new technology to m
26. ngements that enabled British industry to exploit the opportunities created by trade liberalisation

11th January 1999 Consultant: Tim Johns
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