Kibbitzer 62

In terms of etc.

This Kibbitzer is based on a dissertation by a Japanese-speaking postgraduate student of Civil Engineering

The principal purpose of this research is to grasp the impact of road works on traffic flow. In other words, it is to estimate the change of traffic flow on a road network (highways and diversions). The principal purpose of this research is to assess the impact of road works on traffic flow in terms of the change of flow on a road network (highways and diversions).

The first point to notice in the revision is the substitution of assess (make a judgment) for grasp.(understand). In the consultation we looked at a few citations for grasp:

 1 er optional extras. `It is very difficult to grasp all of those factors," says Nakajima. "At th
 2 not insist that reasons be given that he can grasp and that satisfy him, as a condition of his 
 3 tries, there is just too much information to grasp.  Until a few years ago, much of the data wa
 4  lay peg tiles on a board is a lot easier to grasp than just reading how to do it in a book.
 5 y mediation. Hickey (1984) and Wright (1973) grasp the point that both fundamentalism and Calvi
 6 t of Berkeley's theory is relatively easy to grasp, what he says in its support is somewhat

and at a few for assess (notice the collocation assess + impact in citation 12):

 7  and to lack toxic effects.  The only way to assess efficacy of newer agents in preventing the 
 8 ginally, the verbal fluency test was used to assess retrieval from semantic memory.  This test 
 9 edis Groups system uses clinical findings to assess risk of organ failure. A score of 0 implies 
10 s the effectiveness of any scoring system to assess suffering, painkillers used, whether the ex
11 f the debates around 400. It is difficult to assess the impact of Christianity on a sector of e
12 atment. Finally, it enables the therapist to assess the effectiveness of his own clinical skill

The major problem in the text as originally drafted was the use of the expression In other words since here it apppeared that what followed did not simply restate the purpose of the research, but specified what was to be conidered in assessing the impact of the road works. After some discussion we agreed that the link might best be expressed by in terms of, a concordance showing some examples of the use of this expression:

13  change (e.g. overeating may be explained in terms of a patient's need for comfort at times of l
14 echanisms Our findings can be interpreted in terms of a simple model, which is consistent with t
15  , selection favours maximal reproduction in terms of both brood size and speed. Where a steady
16 n beings worked things out in their minds in terms of concepts and moral rules, and these concep
17 , and their results have been interpreted in terms of cosmological gravitational waves. The rela
18 ould need to define a voltmeter only once in terms of data structure and methods, thereafter as 
19 ing behaviour. She has graded these goals in terms of difficulty; she starts with the easiest th
20  human society but it is man himself, who in terms of his already existing ideas and values, mak
21 s at work.    The results of isolationism in terms of human suffering were massive emigration (s
22 n the patient with no foreseeable benefit in terms of increased comfort in the future. The key q
23 and to avoid any analysis of Conservatism in terms of structures, interests and ideas.    If the
24  their task was to understand history not in terms of the evolution of institutions, but in term
25 ian's task was not to explain the present in terms of the past but to ensure that significant ac
26 of the patient. Each patient is different in terms of the progress of his disease, his psycholog
27 sed it. Because of this their actions are in terms of their concept of labour and this idea of l
28 e persecutions those who had most to lose in terms of this world's goods were the rich Christian

22nd June 1999 Consultant: Tim Johns
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