Viewing Index Lists

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In WordList, open an index as you would any other kind of word-list file -- using File | Open. The filename will end .tokens. Easier, in the Controller | Previous lists, choose any index you've made and double-click it.


The index looks exactly like a large word-list. (Underneath, it "knows" a lot more and can do more but it looks the same.)


BNC World index

The picture above shows the top 10 words in the BNC World Corpus. Number 5 (#) represents numbers or words which contain numbers such as £50.00. These very frequent words are also very consistent -- they appear in at least 99% of the 4,054 texts of BNC World edition.

In the view below, you see words sorted by the number of Texts: all these words appeared 10 times in the corpus but their frequencies vary.


index words sorted by consistency

You can highlight one or more words or mark them with the Mark option, then ws-16-concord to get a speedy concordance.


But its best use to start with is to generate word clusters like these:




See also Making an Index List, WordList clusters, WordList Help Contents.

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